Tuesday 24 May 2016

Decisions, decisions... (probably my most popular blog post title)

Been offered a job teaching English at a very nice looking school in Cabo San Lucas. Supposed to give a reply soon. But not sure what to do.

I only just moved to Exeter, and I really like it here. It's great being somewhere sane, where people are happy and chill. Where I speak the same language. Where I can do all my things - work, health, hobbies, interactions - without the obstacles one finds in a foreign country.

I had thought, though, that I might end up back in the US at some point this summer. Lots of indicators that way. Though fading now, since I moved here.

Mexico could be good. I love Baja. Though I've little enthusiasm for Cabo as a city.

Still, San Jose del Cabo isn't too far away, and that's supposed to be a nicer place to live. Plus, there's my beloved hot springs, just up the road.

I imagine it'd be pretty sweet living somewhere sunny where it hardly ever rains. And I do love the desert.

Another benefit is maybe my US/Canadian friends would come see me, tempted by free accommodation near beautiful Mexican beaches. ;-)

Pros and cons whichever way you look at it; but that's just life. No guarantees. No assurances. Always a gamble.

No doubt the answer will come, in due course...

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Trying to work it out

Only writing can save me now. Must get out of Yeadon. What am I doing in Yorkshire? When I love Exeter so much? What is the whole “get a job” thing – particularly when I already have a job for Matt?
What is going on with my teeth? Oh, how I wish I’d never gone to the dentist!
Being in Yeadon I can feel the gloom approaching again. The gloom that wasn’t there when I was down in Exeter. Thinking those darker thoughts about life as a whole when it’s just life here.
Again: why must I be in Yorkshire? Or has that time passed? I guess I will only find out when I go to Rothwell and sleep in Carl’s garage: more mad stuff.
Claire? My dad? He’s never going to die, is he?
Why can’t I live in Exeter? I love it there, and I’m healthier when I’m there. Must get out of Yeadon. Why is there even a question?
There isn’t. The question isn’t Yeadon – the answer’s obvious there – the question is Yorkshire.
Rothwell first. A night or two. See Claire. See how it feels, what arises.
I have a football game scheduled in Exeter for Saturday. What a fool! Why do I keep doing that?
Ed’s room? Living rough and free? I’m so tired of all of this…
God, you are such little help to me, really. How do I even know it’s you that’s communicating with me? So many mixed messages. Messages to live humbly and like everyone else. Messages of grandness. The triumph of the individual. The subversion of any kind of effort or standing out or separation from the masses. None of it makes any sense. From who come these dreams? From where my compulsion?
Where is the example of someone living how one should truly live?
Where the person I would look up to, and want to emulate?
Not among my friends – not Matt or Shawn or Shane or anyone.
Not among anyone I know about.
Only Amma – the craziest person I ever met, and the only non-crazy person I know. And how did she get to be how she is? By separating herself. By saying, no, I’m not doing what everyone else is doing. By journeying to the edge of madness and forgoing anything of this ‘normal’ life.
None of this makes any sense. And yet, here I am, hurtling towards old age and death, still none the wiser, with a foot in neither court.
I would marry someone if it were the right thing to do. But who?
Claire with her desire for babies, pointless chatter about trivial things, living on a boat in grim Yorkshire, pubs and beer drinkers and a life I despise?
No, I don’t think so. And yet…I would, if it were the right thing for me.
Sure, I love her, could love her. But not in the way she would want. Women demand. She doesn’t want me, and probably never did, just wants an idea of me, a me she thinks I could be with a bit of moulding.
Women. Amma and Mother Meera never showed any interest in any of that – so why should they tell me to walk down that path?
Because they’re different and know what’s best for me, and did what was best for them?
Prove it. Prove that by me. It’s just too much to take it on faith.
And Mother Meera. Always something there. I should go back and see her. I should take a trip somewhere…
Anyway. Do you hear me God? Are you out there? Are you real?
Sh, little Rory, you’re about to walk down paths you don’t need to, inspired by circumstances you could change in an instant. You don’t feel well in Yeadon; as though you were sitting in a noisy pub, simply remove yourself from it. That’s all.
You’re right.
And Exeter? I wanted to go there – I was all ready for it – but then what of the Leeds train station song and the Elise-related dream? What was that?
Was it that I should have stayed up here for something? For Kelly Burton?
No, not that.
Was it that by delaying my journey to Exeter things would have maybe worked out better with Elise?
Possibly. But that ship has sailed.
Was it that I was supposed to do something with Carl? But what? Can you really seeing me doing that job of his? It sounds so dreadful and vague and…I’m not sure I could do it anyway.
Helping him start a place where people can gamble? That’s hardly ‘right livelihood’, is it?
There’s only one purpose for his job: money.
And what of Mexico then? Is that “the job”? Should I really be making preparations for that? Is that where I was supposed to be a year ago? The end of my road? The place I imagined was promised to me after that whole weird America journey?
Or something a little closer to home? An Exeter PGCE? The whole old thing I wanted to do back in 2002 – except that too has been accomplished.
I don’t know. All I know is: I can go over to Rothwell today. I can check in with Exeter Ed. I can find out what’s going on with Mexico. I can write to someone in Exeter about a PGCE. I can look forward to a couple of weeks work on this thing with Matt. And sort out the weekend’s refereeing. And do a spot of laundry.
A to-do list. There’s not much more I can do than that. Alone in the world and with no help in sight, no one to turn to. No ‘Spiritual Father’ to whom I should confess my sins (what are my sins?) And no one, it seems, who knows the answers to these questions – except, maybe, for my ‘visions and dreams’, which may well be leading me to oblivion anyway.
Hey ho! It all ends in death when all’s said and done, and there’s no getting around that, no matter which road we take.
Weird old thing, this life…

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Back in Yeadon

Well here I am once more in Yeadon. What a mad year it’s been! Up and down this country like a bloody yo-yo! I don’t know how many times I’ve made the journey north to south, south to north – and a bit of east to west and back again thrown in too. I guess I could find out by looking at my bank records – but let’s just say, it’s a lot.
And what happens next? Two and a bit weeks ago I moved to Exeter and loved it; but that didn’t last, for reasons beyond my control. Elise lost her marbles. And Yorkshire strangely called me – though really it had been calling me even before I left…
Beginning of April I’m finally free. Done my last bit of work for Ian. Elise ready to welcome me in. Train ticket booked down to London on the Monday. And then I’m at the station ready to go and…that song pops in my head – “if you leave me now…baby please don’t go” – and I’m thinking, no no, that can’t be right. But once down in London, on the morning of my Devon departure, there’s the weird awful dream of things going wrong with a good friend’s wife and…whaddya know, the whole thing came true. If it had been anything else, I would have heeded it, but I wanted Devon so bad. And it was so lovely there. But now…
But now I’m back in Leeds. Fulfilled my responsibilities with the Emmerdale charity tournament. Learned something there: next time someone asks me to do something four months in advance, tell them, maybe, but can you drop me a line a bit closer to the date? Like, one week before? I got myself into a hole. And then had to do all this to get out of it.
Weird, though, that there were those three things all arranged for the same four-day period, after a month-long blank in the calendar. I made it for two of them. Nothing much happened. And I’m pretty much right back where I was.
What happens next? Do I rejoin to Exeter? Move into Ed’s? Somewhere else? Just grab a tent and do my random hobo homeless thing, free from the shackles of possessions, comfort and commitment? Or pursue something with Carl, go live in his garage in Rothwell – is that where I should have gone the beginning of April? – and maybe look at this ‘work’ he wants me to do, even though I don’t much feel like doing it?
Claire lives just near there. But surely nothing more to do with her…
And then that dream yesterday morning, very vivid and real, Amma telling me in no uncertain terms, “go get a job. God likes people who work.” It’s so strong when I woke I felt in no doubt that that’s what I’m supposed to do. But what job? Where? If you want me to get one, then at least some clues. But, I mean, surely not Carl’s dubious internet business, with gambling and computers and too much work and nothing but money…
And once more I think about Exeter and a PGCE in RE…
Answers, please – ever answers. I suppose that’s always a possibility, much as I’ve gone off kids and teaching and education and stressy jobs. But a man’s got to do something. And, much like the ol’ MA, it is one of the few things I wanted to do but never did. And, I do like that university lifestyle…
But it’s not a job, it’s studying.
What job, Amma! What job?

I don’t much know what I’ve done this year. I left Leeds just after New Year with an idea that I’d visit friends in different places – Perlilly in Coventry, Matt and Easterly in Kent, Andrea in London, Bart and Elise in Exeter, David in Abingdon – and that turned into working for Matt (good for the finances and having at least a little something to do) and spending way too much time in London. I came mistakenly back to Yorkshire at the beginning of February when, probably, I should have stayed a bit longer down in Kent. And then mid-Feb I arranged the move in with Elise and have been pretty much kicking my heels since then. Planning too far in the future. Relying on others. Drifting in non-activity. A big chunk of February and March I ended up stuck in London, stuck at Andrea’s, going quietly mad. Chained to the work and to dentists. Chained to my own laziness and inertia and lack of direction. Chained to the whims of Bart and Elise. I knew I didn’t want to be floating through March, but I did it and it wasn’t good. Maybe I should have gone away – I got my passport – but all that passed me by too. Meanwhile, my dreams and signs seem intact, and seem to have guided me: away from Perlilly’s (I went, and it wasn’t good); away from Paul (didn’t go); away from Elise (went, not good); and back here to Yorkshire, to not knowing what to do next, to being told to get a job.
If dreams and signs are working…but nothing last night, and I don’t know what to do next, beyond go weirdly live in Carl’s garage for a day or two and see how that feels, meanwhile, probably, thinking all the time of Exeter, as I am now while I type this.
Man, I love it there! Feel good there. Smile and feel peace and run and meditate and talk to people, like to be out and about, look into getting into things.
So why back up here in Yorkshire? Why not allowed to be in the one place I feel good?
Or, having done that charity tournament, having sorted many things out, having dealt with most of my possessions, having picked up my letter, having (later today) sorted things with Carl, and maybe even Claire – does that mean I’m now free to go where I want, do what I want to do?
And what about the job in Mexico? That’s a job. That maybe makes perfect sense, in the grand scheme of things.
“Apply for everything, take what comes”?
Does that mean I should apply for PGCE in Exeter, apply for this and that, and see where the chips lay once done? But shouldn’t we be getting something on? It’s May, for God’s sake! How much more of this weird year of not really achieving anything am I to do?
And what of writing? What of publishing? What of the ideas that plague my head, follow me everywhere I go, but which I ignore, run away from, and know, ultimately, are just kind of fruitless? Just another nut in a sea of bonkers humans with weird ideas that come to naught.
Iboga clinic. Little place. Flotation tank. Growing mushrooms. And women like Abi and Abbie, Claire and Ali, Exeter unknowns, Bristol Bertie. Sara forever in my head, a full NINE YEARS on. And who knows what Mexico might bring?
It’s a mad world, a mad life. And me right in the middle of it, sort of completely mad and at the same time feeling more sane that almost anyone I know, no booze or ciggies or weird repressed anger or strange desires or slave to London – but, still, mostly just staring at screens and clicking and scrolling like the rest of them, embarrassed again to have been drawn into – ugh! – online chess (but hopefully now free) and pretty just thinking, not doing.
Point the way, oh Lord! If work is what it is, then fine. But give me some direction; it’s all I ask.
Point the way and let me walk the path. There must be an answer. You told me about when to go to Greece. You showed me that Canada, and even the US was the right thing. You…gave me the vision of concrete, consumerist England, and I’m here now eating that. Prepared to up sticks and return once more to America if need be. Freed of all things and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Or to wear a uniform in Mexico and teach sweet children how to say things in English. Or to dwell in my motherland and be whatever you want me to be. Or to type, or a mixture of all of the above. But I can’t figure this out on my own, I need help. I need direction. I need instructions. I need to know what my soul wants, what’s best for me and the world in a real, true way. Not just fripperies. Not just lining my pocket. Something a little grander than that. But what?
Have you a plan for me? I always thought you did, that Mother Meera was somehow guiding my life. But what plan? Other than to take me to the edge of madness with nothing left to try, and on my knees like Neale Donald Walsch to finally receive one’s beyond-middle age reward.
Is that what all this is about? Yet – either way, there must be a next step. So all I ask is that you help me to see it, and grant me the guts to take it, and hope that I can persevere.
C’mon, dear Lord – leader of my soul, orchestrator of this mad, merry dance – just show me the way to where we shall wander next. I know it’s not Yeadon. But where it is, I haven’t a clue. Or rather, I’ve lots of clues – too many, perhaps – so need your guiding hand to point me the way.
You get the message. I seek. I ask. I hope and pray that I will receive, and find.

Your loving son,

Rory x